Black Peter

1964, Czechoslovakia, 85m, DCP

Showtimes & Tickets

Screened June 26, 2024

We were working from a such a low budget on a very short schedule that finding ways to simplify what we had planned became a daily ritual. Everything we had organized had to be slashed to half the shots in a third of the time. Milos Forman provided a master class in production economy with this movie. It is a treasure trove of great ideas and he developed a new dialect in cinema language to express them all with humor and soul.

Jake Paltrow

Miloš Forman’s stylistically inventive debut narrative feature follows the bumbling teenager of the title (Ladislav Jakim) over the course of a directionless summer as he starts (and fails at) a new job, flirts awkwardly, and grows increasingly exasperated with his parents. A refreshingly frank, unromanticized coming-of-age portrait, Black Peter captures the bewildering experience of adolescence with both empathy and sly humor. (Janus Films)

A film by Miloš Forman