Jazz Shorts, 1929-1939

100m, DCP

Showtimes & Tickets

Screened April 20–26, 2018

Jazz à la Cuba (1933, 5m, DCP) with Don Azpiazú, “foremost exponent of the Rhumba”

A Rhapsody in Black and Blue (Aubrey Scotto, 1932, 10m, DCP)

Symphony in Black (Fred Waller, 1933, 10m, DCP) with Duke Ellington

A Bundle of Blues (Fred Waller, 1933, 9m, DCP) with Duke Ellington

Cab Calloway’s Hi-De-Ho (Fred Waller, 1934, 10m, DCP) with Cab Calloway

Hoagy Carmichael (Leslie Roush, 1939, 10m, DCP) with Jack Teagarden and his orchestra

Artie Shaw’s Class in Swing (Leslie Roush, 1939, 10m, DCP) with Artie Shaw

St. Louis Blues (Dudley Murphy, 1929, 16m, DCP) with Bessie Smith

Black and Tan Fantasy (Dudley Murphy, 1929, 19m, DCP) with Duke Ellington


A film by Aubrey Scotto Fred Waller Leslie Roush Dudley Murphy

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