The tumultuous political landscape of Paris in 1968 serves as the backdrop for a tale about three teenagers drawn together through their passion for film. Isabelle (Eva Green in her feature debut) and her brother Theo (Louis Garrel) invite an American student (Michael Pitt) to stay at their home. Playing mind games, they create an erotically-charged world of their own, only woken by a window-breaking stone from the student riots raging in the street below. Produced by Jeremy Thomas.
In English and French, with English subtitles
Jeremy Thomas: My fifth film with Bernardo, we really enjoyed working together, and Paris ‘68 based on Gilber Adair’s book with young protagonists under the Maestro’s spell. We were also locked away in a building where everything in the film was made, like a studio, right in the centre of Paris, and when you went outside naturally the world exploded with traffic jams and camera cranes. And again Eva Green, Michael Pitt, and Louis Garrel excelled and made the film happy. I am a bit stuck in the period myself, and I’m a dreamer.