Death of a Bureaucrat

1966, Cuba, 84m, 4K DCP

Showtimes & Tickets

Screened July 3, 2024

In this biting satire, a worker, a true proletarian, has died and is honored by friends and family at the cemetery, buried with his party card in his hand. When his family applies for his worker’s pension, however, they learn that they need his card to collect the benefits.  Returning to the cemetery to retrieve the card, they are informed that the man’s card is necessary to prove he is dead and to disinter the body, leading to a cascade of bureaucracy of Kafkaesque proportions.

In Spanish with English subtitles

Preceded by:

El Arte de Tabaco (1974, Cuba, 8m, 2K DCP)

An impressionistic process documentary on the creation of hand-rolled cigars for many of Cuba’s world-famous brands.

A film by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea

Opening Wed April 23 Tickets on sale Mon April 21.

That Man from Rio

Wed April 2

A Fish in the Bathtub

Opening Wed April 9 Tickets on sale Mon April 7.

King of Hearts (Le Roi de cœur)