Part eco-horror, part camp comedy, this dazzling directorial debut from world-renowned Taiwanese multimedia artist Shu Lea Cheang remains an underseen radical feminist gem. Set in and around a Staten Island garbage dump, young lesbian parents (Sarita Choudury and Erin McMurty) and their five-year-old daughter (Nelini Stamp) get caught in a struggle against an evil global coorporation responsible for contaminating sushi with industrial waste. The non-nuclear family quite literally goes (and glows) nuclear as they band together with fellow activists to rise up against the enemy. Recalling both Brazil and Lizzie Borden’s Born in Flames with the added flourish of rapid-fire experimental editing, Fresh Kill, which first opened at the Quad in 1996, explores issues of environment, race, and class that still resonate today.
Official Selection: Berlin International Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival
Co-presented with Asian CineVision